Hey, gang- I hadn’t mean for this website to be silent over the summer, but thanks to a Word Press update somehow I got locked out and we couldn’t figure out why. Since May it’s been basically dead and we were afraid permanantly, especially if we accidentally nuked it…which was a real possiblility.
I say “we”, but I mean my wife and live-in I.T. person, Nicki. At the time it all happened she had just started her last semester of grad school, and with a full time job and homework out the wahzoo she really couldn’t take the time to bring my site back from the dead. Well, in August she graduated the U of M and not only got an MBA, but was the only one in her Masters program to graduate with a 4.0 GPA…she is the smart!
Well, today she was able to figure out a way to safely get into my website’s dashboard and give me the ability to update again. It’s kind of funny that it happened on the anniversary of the day I first told her, “I love you.” I said it again today for sure!!!
I’ve been busy with art and events and have got a lot of update catching up to do. One of those things is the current MSCA art show “Drawing Blood“ at the Germantown Community Theatre. It’s on display in the GCT’s lobby and can be seen durring normal theater business hours through November 12.
I’ve also got a Halloween display up at the Hernando Public Library that features many of my spooky collectibles including Beetlejuice, Ghostbuters, Universal Monsters, Munsters, and more. It’s in the library’s lobby and can be seen during the library’s business hours now through Halloween.
I’ll share more info and pics about them later. I’ve got more events coming up- “Stay tooned!”