Thought I would give you all a heads up on a future comics star- Truett!

I sometimes am worried about the future of comics, and getting more kids interested into comics. If it’s in the hands of folks like 5 year old Truett then I’ve got nothing to worry about.

I’ve been seeing a lot of parents bringing their kids to comic shows/conventions lately, and have noticed a lot of them not only dressing the kids up as superheroes and other comics characters, but dressing up themselves. Very cool to see a whole family of supers!

But in Metropolis this year I met a golden aged costumer who was only 5 years old. That was Truett. I had just gotten back from the baseball game and noticed a 3ft tall Flash. I asked to take his picture and his dad told him, “Do the pose.”- and he did! Too funny. When his dad realized I had done a Flash painting for the art show he asked if he could buy it. “Sure!” I said, and we went over to the painting. I noticed Truett had a small sketchbook and tiny Sharpie attached. I asked if I could sketch in his book and drew a quick Flash in it for him.

The next day during my panel on self publishing Truett and his mom were there and sitting down front. He sat there quietly drawing in his sketchbook and would occasionally look up and listen, and then go back to sketching. He even asked a couple questions when we got to the Q&A part. I asked how many people wanted to create comics and he was one of the folks that raised their hands. After the panel was over Truett came up and gave me a sketch! It was the only sketch I got all weekend.
Like I said, if kids like Truett grow up to make comics then we’ve got some great things to look forward to. 🙂
Keep drawing funny!