I’m now seen on iPhones!

My webmaster Nicki has been at it again-
The MSCA site has been optimized for iPhone users.  The website will display in an iPhone-app manner, so that it’s easier for iPhone users to navigate.  I borrowed a friend’s iPhone to check it out, and it’s pretty neat.  🙂

– Nicki

This site, the ComicWhore.com, and MSCA sites are all iPhone friendly. How cool is that! Thanks, Nicki- you’re awesome.

I wonder if that means I now need to buy an iPhone..?

Buy from me!


Speaking of buying things, Nicki also added a featured product on my home page. You can buy a copy of the featured product by clicking on the “Purchase” link under the item, or check out more of work for sale buy following the store link at the top web menu or by clicking here.

A bit sketchy…


Well, I was watching some TV last night and felt like sketching. I tend not to feel like to much of a couch potato if I’m multitasking (folding laundry, writing, drawing, etc.). I looked over and there was Darth Maul looking back at me from an old Previews cover. I grabbed my bags of pencils, pens and markers and drew the sith.


You know, it’s hard to believe that a guy as nice as Ray Park could play such a bad guy- but he’s one of my all time favorite villains and Star wars characters.

You can see more sketchy art in my gallery or on the Bushi Tales boards. I’ve also got a few tutorials there.

Type at ya later,


I’m now seen on iPhones!
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