Comic writer Jake Black diagnosed with cancer

Saw this on the CGS boards and was a bit stunned-

“Many may not know but Tales Of The TMNT writer Jake Black was diagnosed with cancer this past year and has been having a hard time keeping up with medical bills. In an effort to help him out with those bills, Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird decided (at the assistance of Stephen Murphy) to collaborate on a print to sell at San Diego Comic Con with all the proceeds going to help pay for Jake’s medical bills. Kevin did pencils, Peter did the inks, and Steve Lavigne colored the whole thing.”

“There are only 100 of them, each is signed by Peter Laird. This group of 100 is SDCC exclusive and will cost $25 each. All proceeds to benefit Jake. In addition, since Kevin is attending the con, people will have the chance to get Kevin to sign it as well. We will also be selling the “Mirage group jam” prints at SDCC, for $20/each, also benefiting Jake.”

I haven’t been on myspace lately which is where I usually see blogs from Jake about what’s going on in his life. The last ones I read were months ago after he had become a new dad. Well, he had stopped doing blogs there and moved to his site- to do what few blogs he feels like doing recently since going to the hospital for chemo. Jake just recently turned 30.

His friends Rob and Michelle Brown have set up a blog to use as a fundraiser for Jake’s medical bills. They are training for an Adventure Race and are looking for sponsors (like a walk-a-thon). All the money they raise will go to his bills. Please check it out, and if you can donate do that, too, at-


I met Jake and his wife Michelle in Metropolis back in 2005, and have looked forward to running into them at shows and picking up new comics written by Jake. Nice folks, and they live in Utah- my old home. 🙂


If I hear any more news I’ll let you know.

I wish Jake and his family all the best and hope you are all doing well!


Comic writer Jake Black diagnosed with cancer
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